
For more information about our Confirmation program please contact our Faith Formation Director, Deborah Jodrey.

Make Your Faith Your Own

Confirmation is a two year journey for 7th and 8th grades students that explores life and faith through the lens of the Ten Commandments, Apostles’ Creed, and The Lord’s Prayer.

Throughout the Confirmation Faith Journey, students, pastors, and adult mentors spend time learning, sharing, serving, and having fun while growing in faith, knowledge, and discipleship together.

The scope & sequence of study is biblically inspired from the perspective of Lutheran theology, as shared in Luther’s Small Catechism with focus on Jesus’ life and journeys, God’s unconditional and abiding love, and grace for all.

Our staff teaches the classes and adult mentors support our students along the journey. We cover the Ten Commandments, Worship and the Sacraments, Living our Faith, the Apostles’ Creed, the Lord’s Prayer, and contemporary faith issues in creative and engaging ways. One of the highlights is our annual retreat at Bear Creek Camp.

If you are interested in learning more about Confirmation or joining the class, please contact Deborah Jodrey.

Confirmation Registration

Please register using the online registration form below.

if your student is neurodivergent and would benefit from accommodations, please contact Deborah Jodrey before classes begin, so we can discuss and share how we can help your student feel most welcome and comfortable while participating in this ministry.

Confirmation Schedule for 2023-2024 !

To view UDLC’s full calendar of events visit,